Player Payments
For EDINBURGH please visit
The online payment system uses Worldpay ( the payment platform. To pay online, click on the relevant link from the list of competitions and payment options below and the link will take you into the shopping cart.
Terms and Conditions
Refund, Return & Cancellation Policy
Refunds will be given within 7 days of making payment, as per the government’s cooling off period regulations (refer to In other circumstances, refunds will be given at the discretion of management and will depend on the circumstances of each case.
Cancellations – cancellations of registrations prior to the season will result in a full refund for cancellations more than 1 week before the season commences and a full refund less a£20 administration fee for cancellations less than 1 week before the season. No refunds will be provided for cancellations occurring during the season.
Conditions of Use – Please refer to the Code of Conduct page
Waiver and Liability – all participants are requested to sign the player waiver at the start of each season. Acton Netball Ltd will not be responsible in any way for any loss, damage or injury which may be suffered during or in relation to participation in the league. Acton Netball Ltd does not provide accident and injury insurance for players.
Company Details
For Southfields Netball. Acton Netball Ltd, Collingham House, 10-12 Gladstone Road, Wimbledon, London, SW19 1QT. Telephone 07880 995 669
Invoicing Process
Once payment is made, a confirmation email will be provided.
Contact Details
Please contact your Competition Manager if you would like postal details.
Please add your team name to the input box at the end of the online payment process, so we can reconcile your payment with the amount owing from your team. It is much appreciated if you can use a debit card rather than a credit card, as credit card fees are 2.75% (£11.68 for Acton team, £12.49 for netball teams for other leagues).
Privacy Policy
Please click here for our privacy policy.
Payments can be made directly into the following bank account (apart from Islington league – see below).
Please also email your competition manager to let them know you have paid this way. Acton Netball Ltd (VAT reg. 898 9070 50)
Sort code 40-01-15
Account 914-468-43
Payments including forfeit fee (New teams or teams that have forfeited a game in previous season)
Please note the deposit/forfeit fee will be refunded in full if your team doesn’t forfeit during the season.
Payments Not Including Forfeit Fee – (Teams that played last season and want to roll over forefeit fee)
For Edinburgh payments please visit
For Islington payments, lease visit the Islington player payments page at this link